well, i got my prom dress! finally! best part? I didn’t spend the $289
I was originally going to spend on the expensive  (but VERY amazing dress. I
was in Dillard’s and found one that was nearly as AWEsome as my first
choice, minus the starburst beading 😦 but anyways, it’s great and only
cost $64.00!!! I then happily skipped over to the jewelry and bought a
black beaded choker with faux jewels and matching chandelier earrings.
the only thing left are my shoes and a tiara(?) Later, at kroger, i
bought some foundation by CG, eyeshadow, and eyeliner for Prom night.
so far, the only thing ruining my next week is school and stupid
Anataomy and Physiology presentation that I don’t feel like doing, but
I s’pose it’ll be easy since it’s basic chemistry…just time
consuming. blegh.
    anyways, i just finished watching national treasure
which was not exactly the best film (albeit, somewhat thought
provoking) but we got it free on a hollywood video rain check.
whatever. ive just found out about a service project thing for church
that lasts from July 4-July27…perfect for a collect transcript and
more community service things… maybe i WILL get that Martha Ingram
Scholarship for C. service to Vanderbilt…lol. if i go/get in/am not
too stupid to be admitted
    well, my throat is still hurting (as is my head now
that i think about it) and i have an irritating little dry cough that i
just wish would produce some phlegm so i can get over this “cold” or
“allergies” or whatever ‘CAUSE I DON’T HAVE TIME TO BE “SICK”,
DAMMIT!!!  im taking more allegra and am going to bed. and just
realized that i missed Gray(Grey’s?) Anatomy -_-

not off to a good week’s start at all….lol

see you cats around!

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